The Community-Based Natural Resource Management Network

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Case studies archive


This Group contains at present more than 250 case studies from around 75 countries. A background on this Group is available.


The cases are listed according to the following regions: (1) Africa (i.e. Sub-Saharan Africa), (2) East Asia and the Pacific, (3) Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East, (4) Latin America and the Caribbean, (5) South Asia, and (6) Other regions. Within each region the cases are listed according to country. There is also a focus on: (7) Cross-cutting themes.

1. Africa


  1. Case study of the pastoral situation in the Municipality of Gambos/Province of Huila, Republic of Angola [download]


  1. Community-based natural resource conservation and development: The experience of Botswana [download]

Burkina Faso

  1. Outline of a case study related to fisheries [download]
  2. David and Goliath: Survival strategies for village lands management under difficult circumstances [download]
  3. Burkina Faso South-West Water Resources Development Program (RESO) [download]
  4. Burkina Faso Programme de Valorisation des Ressources en Eau dans le Sud-ouest (RESO) [download]
  5. Rapprocement des Pasteurs et Agropasteurs dans la Zone de Kishi Beiga - Etude de Cas du Programme Sahel Burkinabè PSB-GTZ [download]
  6. Towards a platform for development: Bringing together pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in the Kishi Beiga area [download]


  1. The sustainable management of Prunus Africana in the Mount Cameroon Region [download]
  2. Diminishing surface water and soil erosion. Major handicaps to sustainable agricultural development (SAD) in the semi-arid zones of Udeac [download]


  1. The RFO: Zoning as an approach to natural resource management [download]
  2. La RFO: le zonage comme mode gestion des ressources naturelles [download]


  1. Community-based natural resource management in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia [download]

Gambia, The

  1. Community forest ownership: Key to sustainable forest resource management -- The Gambian experience [download]


  1. The Kogyae Strict Nature Reserve [download]
  2. The participation of local communities in the conservation of wetlands resources in Ghana: The case of marine turtle conservation [download]


  1. The rural development community of Porédaka and support from the National Rural Promotion and Extension Service in community-based natural resource management as a basis for sustainable development [download]
  2. Analysis of nutritional practices of the communities in Upper Niger National Park [download]


  1. Artisanal Fishing Sustainable Development Project in the Rio Grande de Buba, Guinea-Bissau: An example of fish stock co-management at the local level [download]
  2. Le Projet de Développement Durable de la Pêche Artisanale dans le Rio Grande de Buba, Guinée Bissau: Un exemple de cogestion des ressources halieutiques au niveau local [download]


  1. Viable institutional innovations with respect to community based natural resource management in developing and transitional economies [download]
  2. Institutional challenges in conservation: The case of the sacred Kaya Forests of the Kenya coast [download]


  1. Community management of natural resources [download]
  2. Renewable Natural Resources Community Management Project [download]
  3. Integrated Health Care for Conservation Programme - The case of a community using local medicinal plants to help meet their health, economic and bio-cultural diversity conservation needs in Madagascar [download]
  4. La Gestion Contractuelle Pluraliste et Subsidiaire des Ressources Renouvelable sa Madagascar (1994-1998) [download]
  5. La complé mentarité de la gestion communautaire des forêts publics et de la planification participative de l'amé nagement du terroir villageois [download]


  1. Farmers' perception to agroforestry adoption for soil erosion control: A case study from Malawi [download]
  2. Community-based fisheries management in Lake Malombe, Malawi [download]
  3. Community-based natural resource management: Case study of fisheries and forests in Malawi [download]


  1. The Zone Siwaa: A case study of community-based natural resource management in Mali, West Africa [download]
  2. ACODEP Program - Meeting the basic needs of underprivileged populations in Mali: An antipoverty tool [download]
  3. Decentralisation and management of village land in Rural Mali [download]
  4. The strategy on domestic energy and the community-based management of natural resources [download]
  5. Experiments in environmental rehabilitation and protection through community-based management in Djombougou [download]
  6. Project to develop forest resources in Kita Cercle [download]
  7. Community-based management of natural resources in the villages of the 'Siwaa' Test Area of the CMDT's Southern-Mali Zone [download]
  8. The impact of political reforms on village common-property regimes in Mali [download]
  9. From the battle against erosion to the fight to sustain production potential [download]
  10. U SIGIGNON - Let's make the bush better! (English) [download]
  11. U SIGIGNON - Let's make the bush better! (French) [download]
  12. Village Lands Management Component: An interservice consultative unit for concerted development Areas (ZACs) [download]
  13. De la Lutte Anti-Erosive au Maintien du Potentiel Productif [download]
  14. L'aménagement des petits bas-fonds, et la gestion des terroirs villageois dans la région CMDT [download]
  15. Volet Gestion Des Terroirs - Un cadre de Concertation Interservices autour des Zones d'Aménagement Concerté (Z.A.C.) [download]


  1. The Diawling National Park, Mauritania: Conflict and development around a newly established protected area [download]


  1. Case of study of Santaca Pilot Project, Matutuíne, Mozambique [download]


  1. Community-based management of natural Fan-Palm ecosystems: The palm groves of Dallol Maouri and the river [download]


  1. Participatory development of community based technology transfer centres and establishment of farmer groups in support of food production in Oyo State [download]
  2. Institutional innovation in community-based participation: A case of the development and implementation of environmental projects and programmes at local government level in Nigeria [download]
  3. Conflicts between nomads and arable farmers - Establishment of grazing reserves [download]


  1. Senegal's unique case in decentralized natural resources management: The Community Based Natural Resources Management Program [download]
  2. Wetlands Co-Management: The case of the joint management of the Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary and its outskirts [download]
  3. Experience d'une Co-gestion d'une Zone Humide: Cas de la Gestion Integree du Parc National des Oiseaux du Djoudj et sa Peripherie [download]
  4. Twin case studies of self-management in fishermen communities [download]

South Africa

  1. From protest to pride: A case study of Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa [download]


  1. The Red Cross/Red Crescent Integrated Rural Development Project in Sinkat, Red Sea State, Sudan [download]
  2. Resource access: A major cause of armed conflict in the Sudan -- The case of the Nuba Mountains [download]


  1. Devolution: The critical institutional change in future resource management -- A case from the forestry sector of Tanzania [download]
  2. Forest policy changes in Tanzania: Towards community participation in forest management [download]
  3. Start-up organisation for fishers along the Coast of Kilwa, Lindi and Mtwara Districts in Southern Tanzania [download]
  4. The Community Conservation Service Centre: An institutional innovation in promoting and supporting community based wildlife management in East Africa [download]
  5. A case study on tourism, economic growth and resource management in Zanzibar, Tanzania [download]
  6. Participatory process of organizing effective community based groups [download]
  7. The Pangani Basin Water Resources Management [download]
  8. Community involvement in integrating improvement of indigenous irrigation with soil and water resource management: The case of Traditional Irrigation Improvement Programme, Tanzania [download]
  9. Reconciling human interests with conservation in the Selous Game Reserve [download]


  1. The influence of the Lake Mburo Community Conservation Project (LMCCP) on the farmers and pastoralist Community that neighbor Lake Mburo National Park [download]
  2. Project concept paper: The Shea Project for Local Conservation and Development, Northern Uganda [download]
  3. Community involvement in protecting forests in Uganda [download]


  1. The participatory process of facilitating the organization of community based groups [download]
  2. Sustainable community based management of the Kariba fishery of the Zambian side [download]


  1. Community-based ecotourism venture: The case of Sunungukai Camp, Zimbabwe [download]
  2. The community based natural resource management experience in Zimbabwe [download]
  3. Managing sacred woodlands in Zimbabwe [download]
  4. Local participation as an instrument for natural resources management under the Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources (Campfire) in Zimbabwe [download]

2. East Asia and the Pacific

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)

  1. Sustainable development on the Island of Rota [download]


  1. TOGA: The green pharmacy [download]
  2. Community-based mangrove rehabilitation: A lesson learned from East Sinjai, South Sulawesi, Indonesia [download]
  3. Changing strategies: A Bukit Tigapuluh's ICDP experiences [download]
  4. Community-Based IPM: A farmer-driven movement - A field case study from Bali, Indonesia [download]
  5. Cattle, cockatoos, chameleons, and ninja turtles: Seeking sustainability in forest management and conservation in Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia [download]


  1. Community-based natural resource management and watershed resource conflicts: A case study from Nam Ngum, Lao PDR [download]


  1. Tenure in the management of community fishery resources in Melanesia [download]
  2. Sector development: Realities for sustainable resource management [download]


  1. The Pohnpei Community Natural Resource Management Program [download]


  1. Involving fishing communities in marine protected area eevelopment: The establishment of marine reserves in Negros Oriental, Philippines [download]
  2. Community-based resource management through institutional reforms: The Palawan experience [download]
  3. Re-inventing power and politics in coastal communities - A case study on the Sustainable Coastal Area Development (SCAD) Program in Prieto Diaz, Bicol, Philippines [download]
  4. A case study for the International Workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management - The foundation for the Philippine Environment (FPE) [download]
  5. Sustainable forest management through Multisectoral Forest Protection Committees: Philippine experience [download]
  6. The Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF) [download]
  7. Participatory coastal development planning in Bolinao, Northern Philippines: A potent tool for conflict resolution [download]
  8. Local governance and participatory natural resources management: USAID's GOLD project in the Philippines. 1999. Developed by the ARD-RAISE Consortium for USAID's Rural and Agricultural Incomes with a Sustainable Environment Program, a jointly managed G/EGAD-G/ENV project. [download]

Solomon Islands

  1. South Pacific Community Eco-Forestry Enterprises [download]


  1. Coastal resource management with local participation: Case dtudy of Surat Thani, Thailand [download]
  2. Community forestry in Thailand [download]
  3. Roles of local organizations on Highland Watershed Management Northern, Thailand [download]
  4. Co-management in coastal resource conservation: A study of a Thai fishing community [download]
  5. Coastal zone management at Kung Krabaen Bay, Eastern Thailand: Experience and model study [download]
  6. Community-based natural resource management from villages to an inter-village network: A case study in Pang Ma Pha District, Mae Hong Son Province, Northern Thailand [download]

3. Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East


  1. Biodiversity Conservation and Management Program in Pamir and Wakhan Area, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan [download]


  1. Bulgaria Solid Waste Policy Demonstration Project: A model of broad-based empowerment for environmental change [download]


  1. Family allotment gardens in Georgia: Introduction of a European model for community food security in urban areas [download]


  1. Making it pay: Can community-based biodiversity conservation programmes be sustained through market-driven income generation schemes? [download]


  1. National Environment Action Plan for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Center [download]

Kyrgyz Republic

  1. Sustainable management of timber resources in Kyrgyzstan [download]


  1. Establishing state investment strategy for the development of rural water supply and sewerage systems report in the Republic of Latvia [download]


  1. Morocco case study: Blending old with new institutions - An innovative approach to sustainable range land development and management in a traditional society [download]


  1. Local environmental action plan (City of Elk)
  2. Environment protection as a tool for increasing community activism and citizen's participation


  1. Setting up of the environmental engineering development: The catalytic actions of this department in the development of co-operation in the eroded soils management in Romania [download]
  2. Transition in the Danube Delta fisheries management [download]


  1. Forests and urban green plantation - Economic and social aspects [download]
  2. Development and improvement of community-based environmental management [download]
  3. Managing water use and controlling pollution sources in a small watershed [download]
  4. Making sustainable water sector of the Russian Federation Constituent. Example of Sverdlovsk Oblast. [download]
  5. The establishment of a private, non-commercial protected territory: The case of Muraviovka Park of Sustainable Land Use in Amur Region, Russia [download]


  1. Community participation in solving land and water problems in the runoff formation zone of the Aral Sea Basin [download]


  1. Methodology creation and introduction of ecological insurance in Ukraine [download]

4. Latin America and the Caribbean

(Note: Includes also sub-regions, including Caribbean and Central America, and a cross-cutting issue, namely gender.)


  1. Creating conditions for community-based small-scale fisheries management in the Caribbean [download]


  1. Society for the Promotion of Eco Cultural Tourism and the Environment [download]


  1. Participatory investigation as a means to promote community based management: Examples from the Bolivian lowlands [download]
  2. Las Organizaciones de bas y su rol Protagonico en el Manejo de los Recursos Naturales en Bolivia [download]


  1. Natural resource management by traditional riverain people of the Maraca River, Brazilian Amazon [download]
  2. Extractive reserves in Acre, Brazilian Amazonia [download]
  3. Involving civil society: The Demonstration Projects Subprogram of the Pilot Program to Conserve the Brazilian Rainforest [download]


  1. National strategies for sustainable development of Caribbean small island states - From vision to action [download]

Central America

  1. A program of community-based use of the wildlife elements of Central America's biodiversity [download]
  2. Un Programa de uso Comunitario de los Elementos Silvestres de la biodiversidad en Centroamerica [download]


  1. Environmental management project based on a sustainable regional development plan for the Norte and Gutierrez Provinces in the Department of Boyaca [download]
  2. Management of the Bitaco River watershed with interinstitutional and community participation [download]
  3. Project CESPA: The institutional transformation 1989-1994 [download]

Costa Rica

  1. Incentives and institutional arrangements for participatory watershed management: The case of Arenal, Costa Rica [download]


  1. Communities and management of natural resources of the Cuban Archipelago: Case studies in coastal and mountain ecosystems [download]

Dominican Republic

  1. Agroforestry and community participation in development [download]
  2. Community-based approaches in natural resource management: Alternatives to shifting cultivation in Los Haitises National Park, Dominican Republic [download]
  3. Campesinos in charge of the management and regeneration of the Dominican Dry Forest - A project of Dominican-German Cooperation [download]


  1. Extension team diversity: The key to responding to dynamic target populations and problems [download]
  2. Preparing the ground for change: A case study about conflicts, institutions and environmental action in the Ecuadorian Amazon [download]
  3. Fruit trees instead of potatoes: A sustainable community-based innovation for conserving the Guandera Cloud Forest in Northern Ecuador [download]
  4. Community-based water management in irrigated Andean agriculture: From research to diagnosis, from negotiation to renovation of the irrigation system of the town of Urcuquí, Ecuador [download]
  5. El manejo comunitario del agua en la agricultura andina bajo riego: De la investigación al diagnóstico, de la negociación a la renovación del sistema de riego del pueblo de Urcuquí, Ecuador [download]
  6. La Resolución de conflictos como un elemento clave para la conversacioón y manejo sostenible de recursos con participación local: El caso de las islas Galápogos [download]
  7. Conflict resolution as a key element for conservation and sustainable resource management with local participation: The case of the Galapagos Islands [download]

El Salvador

  1. Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Directorate General of Renewable Natural Resources - El Salvador Environment Program: Strategy for community sustainability to protect the Upper Basin of the River Lempa, El Salvador, 1997-2001 [download]
  2. Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, Dirección General de Recursos Naturales Renovables - Programa Ambiental de el Salvador: Estrategia de sostenibilidad comunitaria para la protección de la cuenca alta del Río Lempa durante, El Salvador, 1997-2001 [download]
  3. Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, Dirección General de Recursos Naturales Renovables - Programa Ambiental de el Salvador: Estrategia organizativa para lograr la sostenibilidad de los proyectos ambientales el Salvador C.A. 1998 [download]
  4. Programa ambeintal de el Salvador (PAES-DGRNR-MAG) [download]


  1. Community forest concessions, institutional reform, and access to traditional resource rights: The case of Carmelita and the Maya Biosphere Reserve Petén, Guatemala [download]
  2. Institutional alternatives for the sustainable management of the tropical rainforest in poor communities of the El Florido and Izabal villages, Guatemala [download]
  3. The FIS Community Organization Program, Guatemala [download]
  4. Integrated management of the Lake Amatitlan Basin: Authority for the sustainable management of Lake Amatitlan and its basin [download]
  5. Alternativa institucionales para el manejo sustenable del bosque lluvioso tropical en comunidades pobres de las aldeas el florido e izabal, Guatemala [download]
  6. El programa de organización comunitaria del fis - Guatemala [download]
  7. Manejo integrado de la cuenca del lago de amatitlán autoridad para el manejo sustenable de la cuenca y del lago de amatitlán [download]


  1. Desarrollo forestal participativo en lepaterique [download]
  2. The Comde: A participation and local power modality [download]
  3. Participatory zoning and management of the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras [download]
  4. Community participation in wildlands management: A case of indigenous efforts to plan and manage sustainable ecotourism in the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras [download]
  5. Community-based natural resource management in the Bay Islands, Honduras [download]
  6. COSECHA: Successes and failures in Honduras [download]
  7. Gestion comunitaria para el manejo de los recursos naturales en lepaterique, Honduras, Centro America el proceso participativo [download]
  8. Copan: Collaboration for identity, equity and sustainability [download]

4. Latin American and Caribbean Region - Gender

  1. What does gender have to do in the use and management of the natural resources? [download]


  1. Strategic planning for sustainable forest communities in Chihuahua, Mexico [download]
  2. Border Environment Cooperation Commission [download]
  3. Sustainable use of natural resources in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico [download]
  4. Conservation of Cycads through propagation in peasant-run sustainable management nurseries [download]
  5. Innovative approaches to resolving conflicts in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Zoh Laguna, Campeche, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico [download]
  6. Community-based forest management - Organizacion De Ejidos Productores Forestales De La Zona Maya (OEPFZM) [download]
  7. Desarrollo agroforestal y captura de carbono en Chiapas, Mexico: Una experiencia de gestion comunitaria [download]
  8. Community Participation in Regional Sustainable Development Programs (PRODERS) [download]
  9. Towards community-based management of palms in Topiltepec (Guerrero), Mexico [download]
  10. Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Faculta de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootechnia, Departemento de Manejo y Conservacion de recursos naturales tropicales (PROTROPICO) [download]
  11. Cycads by means of sustainable use of the Sierra Madre De Chiapas, Mexico [download]
  12. Conservacion de palmas y cycada amenazadas a traves de uso sustenible en la Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Mexico [download]


  1. Seeking a balance between development in Laguna de Perlas and the preservation of its natural resources [download]
  2. Community-based watershed management in Nicaragua: The Calico River in Matagalpa [download]


  1. Gobiernos locales y participacion ciudadana en le manejo de los recursos naturales: El cas de la 'Mesa de concertacion' de Cajamarca, Peru [download]
  2. Municipal administration and performance in Villa El Salvador, Peru [download]
  3. Centro de EducaciÓn y Comunicación Guaman Poma de Ayala [download]
  4. Raising agricultural production in the hillside zone of the Baños del Inca District [download]
  5. Propuesta para elevar la producción agropecuara en la zona ladera del distrito de Baños del Inca [download]


  1. Cuenca de la Laguna Merín, Uruguay: De la defensa del patrimonio natural a la Búsqueda de una gestón para el desarrollo sostenible [download]

5. South Asia


  1. Restoring local community participation in wetland resource management: A Bangladesh case study [download]
  2. Natural resource management by tribal community: A case study of Bangladesh [download]
  3. World vision of Bangladesh: Community based natural resource management [download]


  1. Successful co-management of Phang-Nga Bay fisheries through fisheries community bonding [download]
  2. Conflict and participation in community based fresh water resource management: The case of Chandrabhaga Stream in Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarpradesh [download]
  3. Rejuvenating the community forestry in Soliya village, Gujarat, India [download]
  4. Chakriya Vikas Pranali [download]
  5. Building capacities and facilitating scaling up in the Indo-German Watershed Development Programme: The role of development support and catalytic organizations - The Watershed Organization Trust (WOTR) [download]
  6. Scaling up through micro-planning: A GO-NGO collaboration [download]
  7. Community initiated forest protection and management in Koraput District of Orissa, India [download]
  8. Property rights and sustainable forest management: Case study from Haryana State, North West India [download]
  9. Remote sensing and GIS tools for supporting community-based management of mangrove wetlands in east coast of India: Preliminary experience [download]
  10. From survival to growth: The case of farmers' trust with sodic lands reclamation [download]
  11. Conflict in social forestry: An experience in Gujarat State in India [download]
  12. Vankar Cooperatives take to Vanikaran: How crafted institutions for CPRs are leading to social emancipation in a coastal saline region of Western India [download]
  13. Building partnership for conservation: A case study on joint forest management in Harda Forest in India [download]
  14. Institutional structure for conservation of resources at watershed level [download]
  15. Community-based natural resource management in Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, Rajasthan-India [download]
  16. Developing working partnerships: The Indo-German Watershed Development Programme (IGWDP) [download]
  17. Complementarity of institutions: A prerequisite for the success of joint forest management. A comparative case of four villages from India [download]
  18. Joint Forest Management Program: A case study from Haryana, India [download]
  19. Institutional initiative in common property resource conservation - Case of sacred groves in Kodagu, Southern India [download]
  20. Process change in the Karnataka Forest Department, India [download]
  21. Evolution of JFM institutions in Haryana Siwaliks case studies HRMS Dhamala [download]
  22. Two case studies on the role of water users' associations in irrigation management in Maharashtra, India [download]
  23. Community resource management for and by the resource-poor [download]
  24. Community based management of Khanyara slate quarries in India: A case in environmental conflict resolution, participatory regulation and peoples' involvement in greening the hot spots [download]
  25. Institutional structure for conservation of resources at watershed level [download]
  26. Complementarity of institutions: A prerequisite for the success of joint forest management - A comparative case of four villages from India [download]
  27. NGOs and Institutional Reforms: A case study of irrigation sector reforms in Gujarat, India [download]


  1. From pilot to policy: Community forestry comes of Age in Nepal [download]
  2. Environmental Change and Community Irrigation Organizations in Terai Areas of Nepal: Co-evolutionary analysis and lessons learned [download]
  3. Natural resource management on participatory basis [download]
  4. Community based natural resource management in Nepal: Nontimber forest products and biodiversity conservation [download]
  5. Baghmara community forestry: A community based natural resources management practice in lowland Nepal [download]
  6. Policy reform and local participation in forestry: A case study from Nepal [download]
  7. Complex options between prevention, degradation and rehabilitation in a Nepalese watershed [download]
  8. Community forestry user group: Managerial innovation with roots [download]
  9. Baghmara community forest: A community managed eco-tourism enterprise [download]
  10. Lumbini Crane Sanctuary: A model of local conservation initiative [download]
  11. Changing forest policies and institutional innovations: User group approach in community forestry of Nepal [download]


  1. Community-based institutions for local management of water resources: Results from initial efforts in Pakistan [download]
  2. Case study of the Barani Area Development Project, North West Frontier Province, Pakistan [download]
  3. Participation of rural women in managing natural resources: A case study of establishing fish ponds at Komi-Kot, District Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir [download]
  4. Community-based natural resource management in Northern Pakistan [download]

Sri Lanka

  1. Shared control of natural resources in watersheds [download]
  2. Conservation of biodiversity in and around Ritigala Strict Nature Reserve by the Ritigala Community-Based Development and Environmental Management Foundation Project [download]

6. Other regions

(Note: Includes regions and countries that are not considered to be developing countries or countries in transition.)


  1. Cocos (Keeling) Islands Integrated Marine Management Plan (IMMP) [download]
  2. Management of Australian fisheries [download]
  3. A new approach to community involvement in the management of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, North Queensland, Australia [download]


  1. Local and regional organizations responsible for resource management in the Gwich'in and Nunavut settlement areas, Northwest Territories, Canada [download]
  2. Senators of the environment: An intergenerational project on education and environmental awareness [download]
  3. The evolution of government/community partnerships for resource management in Atlantic Canada - A case study of a work in progress: The Clean Annapolis River Project and the Atlantic Coastal Action Program [download]

New Zealand

  1. Stakeholder groups: The next step in ensuring sustainable fisheries development [download]

United States

  1. A guidebook on decision-making [download]
  2. Facilitating collaborative planning in Hawaii's natural area reserves [download]

7. Cross-cutting themes

Water resources management

  1. Participatory action research on community management of water resources in six countries from the south [download]


  1. What does gender have to do in the use and management of the natural resources?Comment: Latin America and Caribbean [download]

Sea-turtle conservation

  1. Facilitating an interactive process to understand conflicts and forge collaborations in community-based sea turtle conservation [download]